Monday, January 27, 2014



                         Agenda 21 and the U.N. One World Government Plan

"Considering that Agenda 21 is being implemented nationwide right now, and that this United Nations plan for a One World Government is also in the works, are we Americans willing to give up American sovereignty in order to become a part of a worldwide governing organization? When we don't even know who our 'new rulers' might be? Clearly, taking away our guns would be mandatory if our government planned on handing America's sovereignty over to some unelected world governing body. There would be angry Americans marching on Washington DC and marching on every state capital in America if our government agreed to give up our autonomy and become part of a "North American Union," which is what the UN is planning for us. I suspect that this effort to demonize guns is directly connected to the OWG plan to give up America's sovereignty."


The above excerpt comes from a somewhat lengthy but well written piece on what the United Nations has planned for the future of the United States...and what our grand children and great grand children will have to endure.  If you feel that claims about how the United Nations will do ANYTHING to become the One World Government are nothing more than another conspiracy theory - then you're really out of touch on what's happening around you.

On the other hand, if you're in tune to what is now happening in this country, to make America more dependent on the rest of the world...and on the United on the following link to learn more -


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Obama's EPA Flexes Muscles & Takes The Town Of Riverton, Wyoming Away From Property Owners!

      Obama's Corrupt Administration Defies Congress And Seizes An Entire Town
                                                                                 Summer Rush Hour In Riverton, WY
     Have you heard the story of the residents of Riverton, Wyo.? One day they were Wyomingans, the next they were members of the Wind River tribes — after the Environmental Protection Agency declared the town part of the Wind River Indian Reservation, undoing a 1905 law passed by Congress and angering state officials.

     The surprise decision was made by officials of the EPA, the Department of Interior, and Department of Justice early last month, and has invoked the ire of Gov. Matt Mead, who has vowed not to honor the agency’s decision and is preparing to fight in court.  “My deep concern is about an administrative agency of the federal government altering a state’s boundary and going against over 100 years of history and law,” Mead said in a statement. “This should be a concern to all citizens because, if the EPA can unilaterally take land away from a state, where will it stop?”

Read more:


     Imagine how the residents of Riverton must feel betrayed by the U.S. Government.  For more than 100 years, this small city, out in the middle of wide open Wyoming, where there are more deer and antelope combined than there are people, Native American and White combined, property, homes and businesses have been built, bought and sold.  Now, the federal government has robbed those residents.

     The land for building Riverton, which is an incorporated Wyoming community, was ceded from the Wind River Indian Reservation back around 1905 - by an Act of Congress.  Today, the population of the community is 75.5% White...10% American Indian...and 9.7% Hispanic.

     The town is a bustling community, with more than 70-percent of those who work holding a job right within city limits.  Average commute time is 13 minutes.  A very high percentage of those living in Riverton own their home...or they did own their home.  Now, Obama's Environmental Protection Agency has given those homes, the property and the entire town to the Wind River tribes.

     Rest assured, there is more to this story than having to with the "Clean Air Act"... this is a government take over of private property.  So...  Do you really think you own your home or the property it sits on?  As the residents of Riverton, WY have discovered, our government thinks otherwise - and without any real reason whatsoever, they will seize your property.  -  Toby Bridges, UN-America

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The United Nations...Wolves...George Soros...And Why Obama Was Elected

The following report was published on the LOBO WATCH website back in November 2012 (and was circulated in September 2012, before the 2012 Presidential Election).  While it does focus on the re-wolving of also centers in on other predators out to destroy America...

       "Who's George Soros?"  If you are asking yourself  that question, you are definitely not ready for the upcoming elections.  And even if you do know who he is, but can't make the wolf connection, then you really have not taken a look at the "big picture" for America's future, or what lies ahead for Americans.

Soros (shown at right) is one of the wealthiest men in the world.  Forbes magazine has put his net
worth at around $22-billion - and much of that money came from manipulating currencies around the world.  He targets struggling economies, then strategically moves in and conducts grand scale
investing and trading, then pulls the rug right out from beneath everyone.  One great example is the manner in which he played an instrumental role in breaking the Bank of England by dumping 10-billion sterling pounds in 1992, right after the government had upped interest rates to revalue its currency.  Soros walked off with a $1-billion profit, and England suffered a lingering financial crisis.  A similar "investment" in Thailand won him the accusation of being an "economic war criminal".

But, what does all of this have to do with America - and wolves?

George Soros is now investing heavily in the U.S., even though he would be the first in line to voice just how much he despises America and the American Dream.  This Hungarian born hedge fund king is not investing to insure that our way of life and economy recovers and grows stronger, he's investing to insure it does not.  Soros makes his billions from failures, not successes.  A staunch socialist, he strongly supports a world government which would distribute welfare to the citizens of the world.  He sees the current structure of American government and U.S. society as the biggest hurdle keeping that from happening.

       Asked in 2003 whether he could help bring more foreign influence into the United States rather than relying on what Democrats and conservative Republicans could accomplish, Soros replied, "I think you put your finger on a very important flaw in the current world order. And that is that only Americans have a vote in Congress. And yet it is the United States that basically determines policy for the world. That is a flaw in the current setup. I don't think you can correct it by giving the Chinese government a vote in Congress. But it is a flaw, and I think this is where American leadership is needed, to take into account and respect the interests of others as well, in order to retain the dominant position we currently enjoy."

During the 2004 elections, Soros invested nearly $24-million in an attempt to prevent George W. Bush from being re-elected.  He failed to do so, so he went to Plan B - Plan Barrack.

In June 2004, Soros and associates held a fund raiser for Barrack Obama's bid for the U.S. Senate.  Even though Obama was running as an Illinois candidate, the fund raiser was held at Soros' beach house at Southampton on Long Island.  Thanks largely to Soros' influence, the political newcomer was elected - and just 143 days after taking his seat in the U.S. Senate, Obama announced his plans to seek the office of the President of the United States.  Within hours of that announcement, George Soros contributed the $50,000 maximum allowed to that campaign fund.  Again, Soros used his influence to encourage many others to do the same.

So, again, what does all of this have to do with wolves?  We'll make that connection rather quickly.

It's easy to see why Soros is easily considered the most dangerous and most influential individual in U.S. politics.  He has the money and the influence to get the right people in the right places.  Well, the right people in the right places for George Soros - and his agendas.

       Part of the United Nations and Soros backed plans for a global socialistic government, and a world population totally dependent on welfare, is Agenda 21.   It has become just one of billionaire Soros pet causes, to which he contributes some $400-million annually.

The North American installments of Agenda 21, which is a global effort to totally control the human population on Earth, go by several different names.  One large scale project is known as the "Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative" - which looks to turn a several thousand mile long corridor running from the Greater Yellowstone Area up through Montana and Idaho, then along the western regions of Canada all the way to the Yukon into a fully connected wilderness.  To accomplish that, hundreds of thousands of residents would have to be moved off the land and much of the infrastructure that has taken decades to build would also have to be removed.  The mining, oil and gas development, and lumber industry of the region would have to be eliminated as well.  People would lose land ownership, and would be moved into cities.

(Map At Top Of This Post - The red shading shows what America will look like IF the United Nations, and George Soros, have their way with this country.  The red colored zones and corridors will become largely "off limits" for humans.)

The so-called "Wildlands Network"  is an even more ambitious plan, stretching all across the U.S.  More than 50-percent of America would be turned back to wilderness and wilderness corridors - and these corridors would give wolves, bears and mountain lions the cover needed to freely move from one wild area to another.  The overall "big picture" is to eliminate the human role as hunters to manage wildlife populations, and to eliminate the right of individuals to own firearms.

Among those organizations to which George Soros generously donates are the Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice and the Natural Resources Defense Council.  These are a few of the anti-hunting organizations that fully support the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative and the Wildlands Network.  They are also some of the groups which have pushed to allow wolves to increase in numbers so great that many areas of the Northern Rockies have, since 1994-1995, now lost 70- to 80-percent of elk, moose, deer and other big game populations.

       The same George Soros who spent millions of dollars to get Barrack Obama elected.

Wolves are just a small part of all of this.  Montana, Idaho and Wyoming form the least populated region of the Lower 48 States - a region where residents have lived the least government regulated lifestyle.  But, ever since the U.N. held its Conference on Environment and Development (informally known as the Earth Summit) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June of 1992, the Northern Rockies have witnessed a considerable number of changes.  Pretty much gone now is the prospering lumber industry that once employed thousands of Montanans and Idahoans.  Mining has also been severely curtailed, and exploration for oil and gas is just a fraction of what it could be.  All of this is as planned under Agenda 21, and just as George Soros wants it to be.

Under the auspices of creating huge, more pristine, wild areas which provide needed habitat for endangered species such as wolves, grizzly bears and the lynx, the U.S. Forest Service has closed access to many areas of the Northern Rockies.  In reality all that is accomplished is extremely poor management of these apex predators, which in short order destroy the prey source - and are then forced to leave those areas in search of sustenance.

In the Northwest corner of Montana alone, in what is Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 1, there are now more than 1,000 grizzlies and sportsmen estimate at least 500 to 600 wolves.  There are now likely as many as 2,500 grizzlies in Montana, and upwards of 2,500 wolves.  One thing is for certain, MT FWP has absolutely no clue - even though they are charged with the management of wildlife in the state.  So they play the Soros "hedge game" and low-ball population estimates for these predators.  For the past several years, the agency claimed there were only about 900 of the big bears in the state.  Last year, the agency showed just how out of touch it was on predator numbers when it stated there were "at least" 866 wolves in Montana.  Now MT FWP's inabilities to manage wildlife have caught up with them and the sportsmen of the state are coming down hard on them.

       Next door in Idaho, the state's Department of Fish and Game has so poorly managed major predators that big game herds are in shambles - and sportsmen are no longer buying enough hunting licenses to keep the agency funded.  Now, IDFG is attempting to pull funding from the very same anti-hunting groups which have fully supported the spread of wolves and grizzly bears, along with the loss of huntable numbers of elk, moose and deer.

With the destruction of big game populations in many regions of both Montana and Idaho, especially in those large USFS "protected" wild areas, wolves and grizzlies continue to spread into new areas.  More and more, they are now turning to livestock.  Many smaller ranchers feel this is exactly as it was planned, for out of control predator populations to make it impossible for them to make a living off of the land.

(Photo At Left - Small ranchers cannot withstand large scale losses of livestock to wolves and other predators.  The loss of just a few head can mean the difference between being able to pay the bills...or losing their shirt.  Hedge fund operator George Soros wants to drive these hard working Americans off the land and into the cities.)

Before Agenda 21...before the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative...or before the Wildlands Network can achieve their common goal, those behind these radical environmental movements must destroy the drive of human residents to work the land through ranching or farming, or managing our forests as renewable resources, or extracting minerals or energy sources.  The self proclaimed environmentalists must also eliminate the will of the people to fight back.  In the Northern Rockies, wolves and grizzly bears are being used as the first wave of the attack against human rights and American liberty - and there are already a number of elected officials in place who fully support the destruction of America as we've known it.

People like George Soros have placed themselves upon a pedestal,  proclaiming they have the right to decide what's best for all others.  To accomplish their agendas takes putting the right people in the right places - like Barrack matter what the cost may be.  -  Toby Bridges, UN-America

Followers who want to know more about the extremely negative impact wolves are now having on America need to go to the LOBO WATCH website at the following link...then click on the "News Releases" link along the left side of the home page -


The Need For This Site - To Fight The United Nations Global Take Over!

                                                     United Nations - Enemy Headquarters, New York City

I wanted to turn this into a full blown website - but just did not have the finances or the time to do so. Maybe one of these days, we can do that.  For right now, this will have to suffice - and will become the rallying spot for those of us who fully realize that the United Nations is, right now, the biggest threat to the American lifestyle...our Constitutional Rights...and the private ownership of property.  Our government, from the current president on down through the ranks of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, has been infiltrated by U.N. supporters who are all too willingly ready to turn the United States into little more than another piece of the U.N.'s global socialistic puzzle.

Obama's staunch gun control efforts have been nothing more than an attempt to disarm America...making the U.N. take over of this country much easier.  Without those millions of private gun owners, who collectively may have more firepower than all the armies in the World combined, who would or could protect this country from the power crazed United Nations?  (If you have not already cached away a few semi-auto AK's or AR's and 5,000...10,000...or more rounds, you're behind the curve.)

Obamacare sure isn't going to save anyone any money when it comes to "Affordable Health Care".  Face it, this has been nothing more than an out of control President and his administration exercising their abuse of power - to show the American public that big government can force the citizens of this country to do whatever the federal government wants.  The productivity of this country is being purposely destroyed, making all of us more dependent on products produced elsewhere in the World...just the way the United Nations wants it.  Do you think that you really own this or that piece of land?  Just miss an ever escalating tax payment or two on your property...and see how long it takes before "Big Brother" comes in and takes that property from you.  Ever hear of the U.N. Agenda 21?  You might want to brush up on it...before you find yourself being forced to live in a U.N. sanctioned city...far from your beloved area of the country.

It is the plan, the agenda, of the United Nations to be the Global Government of this planet.  That World power will determine who has what...gets what...lives where...does what for a living...enjoys the rights that "THEY" authorize...and who has the freedom to do ONLY what fits the U.N.'s plan of Peaceful matter who they have to crush to accomplish that goal.

Much of the unrest and most of the revolutions going on around the World right now have very likely been incited by the United Nations...opening the door for U.N. "Peace Keeping" forces to step in.  Our civil unrest, our American Revolutionary War II, is on the cusp of erupting...and this site just could become the primer on how to prepare for it and how to survive it.

The United Nations must be thrown out of the United States, and the U.S. must pull out of the U.N.  Our survival as a Free Nation depends on separating ourselves from being dominated by the United Nations. - Toby Bridges, UN-America

We will kick off by re-publishing several reports that have already been published...and which need to be shared again.  The messages in them have not changed...only the need to share them has grown much greater.