Monday, January 27, 2014



                         Agenda 21 and the U.N. One World Government Plan

"Considering that Agenda 21 is being implemented nationwide right now, and that this United Nations plan for a One World Government is also in the works, are we Americans willing to give up American sovereignty in order to become a part of a worldwide governing organization? When we don't even know who our 'new rulers' might be? Clearly, taking away our guns would be mandatory if our government planned on handing America's sovereignty over to some unelected world governing body. There would be angry Americans marching on Washington DC and marching on every state capital in America if our government agreed to give up our autonomy and become part of a "North American Union," which is what the UN is planning for us. I suspect that this effort to demonize guns is directly connected to the OWG plan to give up America's sovereignty."


The above excerpt comes from a somewhat lengthy but well written piece on what the United Nations has planned for the future of the United States...and what our grand children and great grand children will have to endure.  If you feel that claims about how the United Nations will do ANYTHING to become the One World Government are nothing more than another conspiracy theory - then you're really out of touch on what's happening around you.

On the other hand, if you're in tune to what is now happening in this country, to make America more dependent on the rest of the world...and on the United on the following link to learn more -


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